Monday, November 16, 2009

Who am I?

I've done the Myers Briggs personality test (who hasn't?).
But I much prefer the Enneagram personality test which you can sample for free online

I've never paid to have the indepth test done but this quick test online (just scroll down the page on this link) is actually really good and what's the most fun is getting your partner to do the test too, then you can select the option of reading what the two personality's are like in partnership together..that's where it gets really interesting.
If you've got ten minutes to spear this is a fun thing to do.


  1. I LOVE personality tests and the ennegram is my favorite. I really want to go through Richard Rohr's book on it with a group of people. I am a 4 and I wing both ways :D

    I'm an INFP - High I & High N - F&P are midline. A lot of us in the community used this site and it allows you to see what everyone else registers. I'll send you an invite (and anyone else who wants one - email me).

  2. No points for guessing what I am....2/9.Ha suprise suprise...what were you Abi?

  3. every time i do myers briggs i end up with a different result. Although, I have done them at very different times in my life... I might try the Ennegram test and see what happens...
