Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Sampler Quilt

Hi Creative Friends,

I have been bursting with creative energy. You know what it's like when you want to do everything but only have so many (or so few) hours in a day? Well, I've been part of a quilting group for over a year now. I haven't completed anything because I enjoy helping others to finish their quilts. But today, I have to show you what I've been working on for myself! I've been teaching one block a month so this is where I'm at. They're moda fabrics. I would love to hear what you think.

Happy Creating, Marilyn from NZ.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Cards and Scrapbooks

Hi there, this is Marilyn in New Zealand. It's been ages since anyone blogged here so I'm steppin' up with Stampin' Up! I've been very busy with making cards and scrapbooks lately. These are all made from Stampin' Up! stamps, paper, and punches.

Here's the latest boxes, cards, and scrap booking that I've been doing. Notice the black little purse-card and the concertina box to hold cards?
I'm loving the creative side of card making! These little boxes with handles were made by my friend. I belong to a stamp club that meets once a month to make these little treasures. It is most relaxing and gives me a lot of enjoyment! Happy stamping!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Knitting squares

Years ago I shared a room with a lovely Canadian called Ellen. At the time Oxfam were doing their blanket squares fund raising appeal, getting people to knit blankets to be sent out to the developing world. We sat like a couple of old dears listening to Sleepless in Seatle sound track and drinking tea and knitting our squares from what ever we could find. Unravelling old jumpers even! Our blanket never made it to Oxfam, instead we said we'd share it and passit back and forth over the coming years, we even talked of wrapping our babies in it. Ellen still has it in Canada (I hope) and we've never managed to exchange it.

My litle girl - also called Ellen started knitting the other day - taught by her granny. Which suddenly inspired me to start knitting blanket squares again. This time I will make it much more tasteful (no garish wool from unravelled jumpers!). I will go around the charity shops to see what nice wool I can pick up. I'm really looking forward to having a little project and something to lure me away from the darn computer! I will post some pictures when its more than just a few rows!

Jo - Exeter UK

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I've found the most Delicious site for kids Eco friendly toys
It's full of everything that I want!! Some things are expensive but a lot of things very reasonable..all of it is delicious!!

Abigail (New Brunswick)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Have you tried Microfibre?

I had hoped my first post to this blog would be something a little more creative but I have been so impressed with this little discovery I thought I should share the tip. I might be the last person on the planet to find out about these cloths and sorry if this is the case, but if I'm not you really should try a microfibre cleaning cloth. My Mum introduced me to them and they really are amazing. They soak up seven times their weight in water, make cleaning almost a joy (I can't think of anything I like less than cleaning, so this is quite a statement!) and they don't leave smears. You can also wash them...and if you are so inclined, use them as nappy boosters (apparently!). Need I say more! If you haven't heard of these cloths, give one a go because I'm sure you will be converted.


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Yoyo Santa

I love this community blog! I'm trying to keep a blog of my own but it's something that takes precious time. When Abigail mentioned this blog, I thought it was definitely worth the time to share ideas with crafty friends!

I live in NZ where Christmas is warm so the instinct to start thinking about Christmas comes to me in August when the weather is cold and dreary! Preparing for Christmas crafts started about September when I was asked to decorate for our church's "Women's Creative Craft" night. This was on Friday the 20th so I can breath a sigh of relief now that it's over. It was a huge success and my white tree branches in white jugs were my favorite decoration. I put miniature cookie cutters and kitchen utensils on white ribbon and hung them from the branches. I am hoping someone took pictures. I had three jugs on the food table. The other two were felted birds with sparkling diamentes and knitted and beaded cream ornaments.

I have finished a few projects that I will post in a few days. This is a Santa that I made last Christmas. It's made from yoyos, using Kaffe Fasset fabric. I love to create using quilting fabrics or fancy yarns. This year, I knitted miniature jumpers and mittens for the tree. I also beaded some tiny stockings and ornaments. My quilting friends and I made some quilted ornaments that turned out just gorgeous! I can't wait to show you!


Monday, November 16, 2009

Who am I?

I've done the Myers Briggs personality test (who hasn't?).
But I much prefer the Enneagram personality test which you can sample for free online

I've never paid to have the indepth test done but this quick test online (just scroll down the page on this link) is actually really good and what's the most fun is getting your partner to do the test too, then you can select the option of reading what the two personality's are like in partnership together..that's where it gets really interesting.
If you've got ten minutes to spear this is a fun thing to do.